The Speed Watch program is conducted in partnership with the RCMP, trained volunteers and ICBC.  Our goal is to reduce incidents of speeding by raising public awareness of actual speeds the drivers are travelling, using radar equipment and electronic digital boards.

Areas of required attention are neighborhoods (including Hwy 97), schools and playground zones and ‘identified’ high risk or crash locations. Concerned residents who feel that their streets are not safe for children are welcome to call to see if a Speed Watch could be set up in their area.  Recorded speeds are tallied and forwarded to the RCMP and reported monthly to ICBC.

Each Speed Watch team is comprised of two trained volunteers and requires three hours of time for each day shift. The Speed Watch program runs from approximately April through to end of October, weather permitting.

For more information from ICBC about the Speed Watch program click HERE

For more information from the RCMP about the Speed Watch program click HERE